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ABOUT 關(guān)于我們
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    發(fā)布時(shí)間:2023-03-12 20:38:44     稿源: 創(chuàng)意嶺    閱讀: 74        問大家










    1.1. “How are you doing today, miss?”


    A genuine hello accompanied by a heartwarming, three second smile is one of the most basic, highly effective ice breakers there is.


    Think about the people who say “good morning” or “howdy” to their neighbors. This simple greeting is usually followed up with “how are you” or “how are the kids?” Before long, the two parties are talking about their families and even favorite sports teams.


    2. “Nice earrings!”


    This comment represents a classic technique that is quite effective for starting a conversation. Regardless of whom you are talking to, saying something genuinely nice about their outfit, accessories or even mood will usually be received well.


    The person receiving the compliment will thank you and possibly say something nice about you in return. In doing this, a dialogue begins. Keep the dialogue going by asking a question like “Where did you buy the earrings? I really like them.”


    3. “Does this shop always have such long queues?”


    By focusing on an unpleasant situation that you both find yourselves in and subtly complaining about it, you cleverly suck the other person into an unwitting pact that unites both of you against a common enemy.


    4. “Chicago really is the windy city!”


    Yes. Talk about the weather. It may sound clichéd, but it works wonders in real life. People talk about the weather all the time—It’s a topic everyone has an opinion on. Think of how you have an opinion about what dress or fashion choice is right for different weather.


    Once the person responds, you can ease into the conversation with “small talk” like, “The wind is so strong; it nearly blew me over!”


    5. “Oh, did you hear about…”


    Kick-start a conversation with a description of an interesting, entertaining and/or funny story.

    描述一個(gè)有趣的、娛樂性的或者搞笑的 故事 作為開場白。

    If your story is interesting enough, there really is no telling where it could take the ensuing dialogue and for how long you could stretch the conversation once your new friend gets on board.


    6. “What kind of drink is that?


    People love eating and drinking.


    When she replies, follow up with something like “Do you really like it?” or ” Can I buy you another?” Introduce yourself and don’t forget to flash your best charming smile.

    如果她回答你了,可以繼續(xù)問“你真的喜歡嗎?”或者“我能再請(qǐng)你喝一杯嗎?” 自我介紹 一下,別忘了展現(xiàn)你最迷人的微笑。

    7. “That’s a lovely name; are you named after someone?”

    “這個(gè)名字真好聽, 是以某個(gè)人命名的嗎?”

    This works especially well in a workplace setting, business meeting or conference where people are wearing name tags. If she has an interesting name, walk up to her and say something like “Camille, lovely name. What’s the origin of the name?”


    8. “Hello, do you work here?”


    This also works well at a workplace or business setting where people are wearing name tags. Even if you know the answer, ask whether he works there anyway.


    Follow up with related questions like “What do you do here?” “Have you been working here a long time?” “Do you like it here?” “What’s your favorite/worst part of your job?


    9. “People call me David, but you can call me TONIGHT.”


    Okay, telling a joke is easier said than done. Jokes can be tricky, but they’re some of the best conversations starters you can throw at someone new. They help the other person see a witty, fun and likeable side of your personality.


    That said, unless you’re really confident about your joke-telling skills, it’s probably a good idea to avoid them or start with a self-deprecating joke. You can’t possibly offend yourself, can you?


    10. “Excuse me, I just thought I should come over and talk to you.”


    Sometimes the best and most fun ice breaker is honesty.


    Honesty really can be the best policy. Who doesn’t love a refreshing bout of honesty, anyway?



    初次見面的外國人跟你說了句"How do you do", 估計(jì)多數(shù)人都會(huì)美滋滋地搬出學(xué)校教的那套,回敬一句"How do you do"??捎⒚廊耸繀s覺得你的回答有點(diǎn)買帽子當(dāng)鞋穿--不對(duì)頭。因?yàn)樗麄儠?huì)覺得對(duì)話似乎沒有得到回應(yīng),好像你并不高興見到他一樣。所以,當(dāng)別人說"How do you do"的時(shí)候,你最好改答"Nice to meet you"或者"It's a pleasure to meet you"。



    1.Welcome to China! Welcome to our city!


    2.I hope you’re enjoying your stay here.


    3.How long have you been in China?


    4.Is this your first trip to China?


    5.Are you here on business or for pleasure?


    6.There are many interesting places here. I’d like to show you around.


    7.Please let me know if you need any help.


    8.What’s your impression of China so far?


    9.Are you used to the life here? Does the weather agree with you?


    10.How do you like Chinese food? Are you used to the food here? Does the food here agree with you?



    JAKE: Hi! My name is Jake. We haven't met before, have we??

    DEBBIE: No, we haven't! My name is Debbie.?

    JAKE: Nice to meet you, Debbie!?

    DEBBIE: Nice to meet you, too, Jake.?

    JAKE: Are you a new student??

    DEBBIE: Yes, I am. What about you??

    JAKE: Yeah, me too!?

    JAKE: What're you studying here??

    DEBBIE: Journalism. I want to be a journalist. What about you??

    JAKE: I'm doing law. But I'm thinking of doing business studies instead.?

    DEBBIE: Do they allow you to change??


    音標(biāo):英語的注音符號(hào),即英語的拼音。 (1)元音(20):發(fā)音時(shí)氣流不受口腔任何部位的阻礙。聲帶振動(dòng)。英語中重要的音。(2)輔音(28) :發(fā)音時(shí)氣流受口腔某個(gè)部位的阻礙。聲帶振動(dòng)的叫濁輔音,聲帶不振動(dòng)的叫清輔音。英語中次要的音。

    Aa —[eI] P73

    Babe lake sake bake make fake shake rake take stake (樁)landscape escape grape tape cape gape rape (油菜) shape scrape (擦掉) jape(說笑話) Trace grace Late fate mate(classmate playmate teamate roommate )gate date plate hate skate state fade jade lade (裝船)made shade (陰涼處) spade trade came tame shame same dame game lame fame name cane plane lane mane ( 馬鬃 )crane wane(月虧) Ale (艾爾酒)dale(谷) gale pale stale (不新鮮的) Able table fable cable stable cave save wave Dave gave pave rave (胡言亂語)

    Ay---[eI]— Day bay may lay play pay say way ray slay (殺死)clay(粘土) flay (剝皮)relay always

    Eight weigh weight sleigh (雪橇)

    rain gain lain (lie 的過去分詞) faint pain saint (圣人)paint Cain main vain(徒勞) slain(slay 的過去分詞) fail nail tail mail pail rail jail bail (保釋金) hail (高呼、冰雹) wail sail snail stain (玷污) strain raid (突然襲擊) maid (少女)afraid paid

    No pains ,no gains .

    Haste makes waste.


    Cc—[s][i: ]

    Dd—[d] [i: ] Tt---[t ][i: ]

    Vv —[v][ i :] [f][v] “唇齒相依” P23

    Bb—-[b][i: ]

    He she we me be these Pete

    ee---[ i: ] Bee see meet feet heel peel feel reel (卷軸) keen spleen (脾) speech feed

    deed indeed gee keen queen screen agree Need feed breed greed speed seed succeed proceed exceed heed cheek geek(雜耍演員)leek sleek (光滑的)meek (溫順的)peek (偷看) reek (臭氣)creek(小河) Greek week keep sleep weep beep sheep jeep between

    ea---[ i: ]Sea beat meat eat seat feat heat neat cheap cheat (質(zhì)量低劣的東西都cheat)seal steal defeat peat (泥炭) repeat treat wheat overeat pea clean lean leaf mean bean breach preach beach reach teach mead (蜂蜜酒)bead (念珠)sneak (偷偷摸摸地行動(dòng)) sneakers (運(yùn)動(dòng)鞋) cream

    Thief piece niece relieve

    Please keep these streets clean

    Please keep these keys .

    A friend in need is a friend indeed .

    A---[ ] -“寂寞嫦娥舒廣袖,萬里長空卻為忠魂舞”

    -a--- cat bat fat sat hat pat mat(草席) rat mad dad had lad (少年) sad man ban can fan pan ran tan(曬黑) dam am jam(果醬) Sam ham ram slam map lap nap cap clap slap sap snap gap tap rap(敲門聲) sack back pack backpack lack black rack wack (怪人)slack (懶散) hand sand band grand land panda wand(棍棒) and Battle cattle rattle (發(fā)出卡塔卡塔的聲音)

    The black cat ran after a rat .

    Ff —[e][f ]

    L—[e] [l ] ① 元音或單詞末尾讀[l ]: all call ball fall hall tall small wall mall (超級(jí)大的購物中心); fell sell shell bell well cell smell tell spell yell hell (閻王爺對(duì)你說一聲hello ,你恐怕就該下地獄了。)

    ②元音前面讀 [l 。]: like late lake

    Mm ---[e] [m ] ①元音或單詞末尾讀[m ]: name same game came fame shame

    ② 元音或單詞末尾讀[m 。]: make mate mine

    Nn ---[e] [n ]

    ① 元音或單詞末尾讀[n ]: pen hen lesson fine

    ② 元音或單詞末尾讀[n 。]: no nine not

    n ---[ ] –sing king thing sting bring wing swing boring sink pink mink link ink think monk monkey donkey thank tank bank sank rank flank (肋腹、兩側(cè))blank rank prank (惡作劇)

    Ss —[e] [s]

    Glass class pass grass Last past cast ask

    6532—2232 Face ace lace race pace place grace

    [e]---bed led fed led get bet set wet pet best pest (害蟲) chest jest (笑話) lest (難免)nest rest test vest wrest (摔跤)west zest desk beg peg (曬衣服夾子) leg

    pen Ben ten hen men kettle settle

    Bend tend (照料)pending(懸而未決的) mend vent (發(fā)泄) tent send lend intend

    Head dead lead read bread deaf death sweat breath breakfast spread dread tread instead leapt feather

    leather weather heather (石楠屬植物)health wealth threat thread (線)

    East or west ,home is the best .

    Let him mend the desk.

    He she we me be these Pete

    Ii — [aI] Hi ! P74

    Bike like hike pike(長矛) rite(宗教儀式) site spite (vent pessonal spite) bite kite cite (引用)excite recite unite quite side slide glide (滑動(dòng)) hide wide tide ride decide describe mine nine wine fine shine spine (脊骨) dine line pine vine (葡萄樹) Nice mice lice dice rice price slice vice(副的) ice advice Tribe jibe (嘲笑) describe inscribe (刻寫)life wife knife rife strife (沖突) Time dime lime(石灰) mime(摹擬笑劇) rime (韻腳) crime five dive live (有電)hive (蜂房) arrive rive (撕開)mile tile wipe

    Might fight night light slight bright right sigh high

    Bind wind kind find behind mind Child mild wild blind remind grind rind (樹皮)

    Magpie die lie tie vie (爭)

    Silent night / white lie

    If the price is right ,I will buy your rice .

    [g] –good girl gig P16

    Jj — [d3][eI]


    去掉共同音[eI] ,就是字母在單詞中的發(fā)音。


    Age wage gage (抵押品)page rage sage cage stage huge homage (效忠) engage damage dge—bridge fridge ridge dodge lodge(租房給某人) hodge (莊稼漢) knowledge

    Jane jade job jet jacket

    Hh —-[eI][ts]

    China cheat chicken chair teach lunch each beach peach reach much

    Match catch batch latch (門閂)watch scratch patch (補(bǔ)丁)hatch (孵蛋)

    [ts] [d3] (p90) 清輔音:送氣增強(qiáng) 聲帶不振動(dòng) ;濁輔音:送氣減弱 聲帶振動(dòng) 。


    爆破音:[t ] [d] [k] [g] [p] [b]

    1) 失去爆破(不完全爆破) :發(fā)音時(shí),爆破音彼此相遇時(shí),前一個(gè)爆破音只擺好姿勢(shì)(留出發(fā)這個(gè)音的正常時(shí)間)不發(fā)音,緊接著發(fā)下一個(gè)音。

    Goodbye sit down blackboard

    實(shí)際上爆破音和后面的輔音相遇都有失去爆破現(xiàn)象。如:Good morning . This is a good lesson .

    2) 清輔音濁化(送氣減弱) :如果[t ] [ [k] [p] 落在清音[s]的后面,

    [t ] → [d] → student study still stand stone stood star stop

    [k] → [g] → school skate ski sky skin scarf skim

    [p] → [b] → spoon sport spin spy speed spot spring spell


    印度英語:[t ]--- [d] [p]------ [b] pen –ben

    i----[ I ] bit sit wit pit hit fit lit

    Bin sin win pin hint

    Give her a pill if she is ill .

    She filled my dish with fish .

    Oo ---[ ] P89

    No so hello

    O --- coke poke joke nose pose dose close rose prose cosy (暖和舒適的)home dome (圓屋頂 蒼穹) Hole whole pole tadpole (蝌蚪) role mole (鼴鼠,痣) vole (田鼠) lone bone cone (錐形物)clone (克隆)throne(寶座) phone postpone stone hope slope (斜坡)cope scope telescope rope envelope old sold fold gold told mold bold hold only photo phone sofa

    Oa ---coat boat bloat (腫脹) goat goad (刺棒) toad (癩蛤蟆) moat (壕溝) float gloat (幸災(zāi)樂禍)soap coal goal foam coach coax poach(侵入他人地界偷捕.poach for dogs and chickens (偷雞摸狗)boast coast roast toast

    ow--- bowl yellow bellow (牛風(fēng))吼叫 fellow mellow (圓潤的歌喉) snow show low row bow sow (播種)mow (割草) crow (烏鴉)slow glow blow kowtow borrow sorrow sparrow arrow barrow (手推車) harrow (耙子)marrow (骨髓)narrow window widow pillow willow follow hollow

    [D ] -o---box ox fox pox nod God Cod(鱈魚) plod(沉重緩慢走) mod (現(xiàn)代派的一

    份子)dog fog frog log clog (堵塞) hog (豬科動(dòng)物) lost cost rock mock (嘲笑:學(xué)某人的走路)lock block (街道:The bank is two block away .過兩條馬路就是銀行。)flock (一群)clock rob snob Bob mop top hop cop stop shop pop job Bob lob mob (暴民) blot (污漬,如墨水) not lot slot pot dot shot hot spot clot(血凝塊) boss toss loss cross across moss (苔蘚) cross P45

    Tom’s got a lot of dots on his pocket.

    Uu--- (開音節(jié)) use fuse fume (難聞的煙氣) perfume cute cube (立方體) nude tube mute muse (沉思冥想) huge tune dune (沙丘)duke (公爵) duma (杜馬) unit mule (騾子) refuse refute amuse accuse(告發(fā)) excuse abuse confuse acute contribute (貢獻(xiàn))

    Ew –few hew knew mew new pew dew stew

    Ue ---argue rescue value

    Ww ---[d] [∧ ] [b] [l][j]][u:] P34

    u—-[ ∧ ] bun run fun sun gun pun shun bus us sum hut cut nut shut mum bug dug rug hug drug (藥物)dub (配音) drub (跺腳) drum stub(樹樁)stud (種馬) hxub (沖頭) rub scrub (用力擦洗)cherub (小天使)

    u— [ ∧] luck duck suck buck truck luck yuck butter mutter

    o— [ ∧] love glove shove (猛推)(mother brother other bother smother come some money son color month

    Qq--- [k] [j][u: ]

    Yes yen yellow yet yo-yo yell

    [u:] —oo- --moon noon soon spoon choose tool too school

    ue—blue glue slue(大量) flue (煙道、漁網(wǎng))true clue rue (懊悔)

    ui—juice suit cruise recruit (征募新兵) crew grew drew screw flew blew

    ou ---[u:]—you soup group coupon

    [ u ] ------ Foot look book hook took cook

    Ou ------ [u] could would should

    Rr – [a : ] P34

    Ar—art car far tar park shark bark spark cart fart dart(飛鏢) scarf snarl (混亂) article Large charge discharge barge (駁船、大型游船) Fast last mast past cast task flask (燒瓶) ask glass class father after

    Al---[ a:] ---half calf (牛犢) palm calm

    The car was parked in the dark .

    Half the class laugh.

    Xx—[ e ] [ k ] [ s ]

    含有共同音[e ] 的字母:f , x , m, n, s 去掉共同音 [e ] 就是字母在單詞中的發(fā)音。

    Yy—w] [ai] (外“屋”老吳家的“吳”老二一“無”所有,是個(gè)窩囊廢。)

    英語中半元音有兩個(gè):[w] [j]

    w---[w] water watch wake well

    wh—[w] what why when where which white wile

    y--[j] –yes yawn yuck yum your year Yale

    Zz---[z][i: ] [s ][z]

    含有共同音[ i :] 的字母:b, c , d , g , p, v , t, z 去掉共同音[ i :] 就是字母b, c , d , g , p, v , t, z 在單詞中的發(fā)音。


    1. 單個(gè)輔音字母的讀音 一般是把字母名稱中的元音去掉。有以下四種形式:

    (1) 去掉名稱音中的共同音[i:] ,如 b [b] c [s] d [d] g[d3] p [p] t [t] v [v] 等;

    (2) 去掉名稱音前的共同音[e], 如 f [f ] l [l ] m[m ] n[n] s[ s] x [ks] 等 ;

    (3) 去掉名稱音后的共同音[ei], 如 j [d3] k [k] ;

    (4) 寫法相同,讀音不同,按和輔音字母同形的的音標(biāo)讀音, 如h [h] r [r] w[w] z[z] 等。

    (5) 字母與音標(biāo)同形的有:

    b [b] d[d] h[ h] k[k] l [l ] m [m ] n [ n] p [p] r[ r ] t [t ] w [w ] z [z]

    [ ] [ ] P67

    [ ] -thank three thing thick thin through mouth south

    [ ] -this that the those these mother father rather brother feather leather heather breather (呼吸者)

    [ ] [3 ]

    [ ] -sh-- she shy shit sheep sheet shame shut shun short wash cash lash (鞭打)crash slash (砍)rash dash hash (切細(xì))dish bush push hush brush action conversation

    [3 ] -s -treasure pleasure usual vision television decision P77

    [tr] [dr]

    [tr] -tr --- tree try truck trick track true trip P90

    [dr] -dr ---drink drive draw dry drop

    [ts ][dz ] [ts ]---ts ---cats coats let’s hats bats P89

    [dz ]---ds ---beds heads birds needs feeds

    [t ] [d ] [k] [g ] [p] [b ] [f ] [v ][s ] [z ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ts] [d3] [tr] [dr] [ts ][dz ]

    英語中的輔音成雙成對(duì)的輔音有10對(duì), 發(fā)清輔音的時(shí)候,送氣增強(qiáng),聲帶不振動(dòng);發(fā)濁輔音的時(shí)候,送氣減弱,聲帶振動(dòng)。

    [ ): ] -o-short port sport fort fork lord afford

    -al-call fall gall (膽囊) hall ball mall wall all small walk talk chalk stalk (balk

    -aw -paw saw law haw draw claw (動(dòng)物的爪) pawn prawn (對(duì)蝦 lobster 龍蝦 shrimp 小蝦)dawn lawn hawk (鷹)awful 極壞的

    - au-august haunt (鬼出沒) daunt (嚇人) flaunt (炫耀)audio (聽覺的) auction (拍賣) augur (預(yù)言家) auto (汽車)

    - ough ---fought bought sought daughter

    - our --- four your pour mourn course court

    -ore - store core more sore shore fore pore(毛孔) core tore bore more lore (知識(shí)) wore

    - oar (搖櫓)roar (怒吼)soar(盤旋) boar(公豬) board hoard (囤積)hoarse (沙?。? Don’t walk on the lawn .

    [3; ] [ ]

    [3; ] - ir- bird fir skirt shirt firm dirt dirty girl birthday first

    ur-purse nurse burn turn hurt church fur surf curl Suburb perturb( 煩擾) disturb (打攪)

    ear-earn earnest learn pearl heard earth dearth search research yearn (渴望)

    er-her herself herd (牧群) term serve fern ( 蕨菜) nervous mermaid (美人魚)

    or-word world work worm worth worst worse

    First come first served.

    Her purse is made of fur .

    His brother sent a letter to his father .

    The doctor said his mother was better .

    * 英語中長短元音有四對(duì), 長元音的口型小,短元音的口型大。

    [I ] [ i : ]

    [u ] [u : ]

    [ ] [3: ]

    [D ] [ ]

    [eI][aI][ ] [au] [ ][ ] [e ]

    ow --[au]-cow bow now how owl (貓頭鷹)down town gown(睡衣) crown brown brow towel vowel tower cower (打哆嗦) flower shower P89

    ou-- [au] ---bounce noun mouth mouse out about house louse rouse grouse (抱怨)out pout spout about shout couch pouch crouch grouch (發(fā)脾氣) bound found hound sound pound mount wound round around

    oy-[ I ] --boy doy(傻) soy(醬油、大豆) toy coy(女孩害羞) joy Roy loyal royal annoy oyster employ enjoy P75

    oi ---[oi]---oil coil foil soil toil spoil hoist join coin voice choice void point noisy toilet point

    eer --[ I ]---cheer sheer deer sneer(嘲笑)steer (操縱) peer (凝視)beer jeer(嘲笑) seer(預(yù)言家) leer (斜睨:表示敵意、會(huì)意、嘲弄)queer peer (凝視)veer (轉(zhuǎn)向) P99

    ear-[I ]-- beard fear dear hear gear(齒輪、排擋) near rear year tear spear shear

    air-[ e ]---air fair hair lair pair chair Blair stair airport P105

    are -- [ ]--- bare care dare hare mare 母馬)pare (削蘋果)rare tare (救荒野豌豆) fare share spare stare scare flare nightmare blare (喇叭)嘟嘟地大聲響 warfare welfare

    The bears were there .

    The mayor asked you to take care .

    our --[u ]---tour dour gourmet gourd detour bourse ure -sure

    oor-poor moor boor(沼澤)P99

    三元音:[air] fire hire tire wire mire expire lion shire (郡) admire spire (塔尖) 尖頂 sire 陛下 desire retire acquire require inquire

    Having been fired he is in the mire

    [aur ] sour our power tower cower flower shower




    qu-[qw] -quick quiet quite quit quiz quench queer quilt quill quote *

    l 音標(biāo)和字母同型 但發(fā)音不同:

    r -[r] red read roof h-[h] he hello hi have w-[w]



    fill feel ship sheep pit pet sit set man men send sand let late bed bade mean main read raid


    1. 輔音

    2. 元音: (20個(gè))



    后元音:[a:] [u:] [u][D] [ : ]

    雙元音:1)開合型 :(5個(gè))

    2)集“中”型 :(3個(gè))

    開音節(jié) :絕對(duì)開音節(jié)和相對(duì)開音節(jié)中的元音讀成字母音。相對(duì)開音節(jié)單詞的特點(diǎn)是“元音+輔音+e(不發(fā)音) ” , 其中的元音讀成字母音,如: cake name game lame tame same take page plate skate make tape staple 。

    閉音節(jié) :閉音節(jié)單詞末尾以輔音字母結(jié)尾,元音的發(fā)音都讀成音標(biāo)音。

    fun gun bus nut cut cat bit sit cop bet pen



    a--a---[eI] 、e---e—[ i: ] 、i---i—[aI] 、o—o---[ou] 、u—u—[ju:]


    a--a---[ ] 、e---e—[ e ] 、i---i—[I] 、o—o---[ D] 、u—u—[∧]

    Fad (狂熱) –fade wag(搖擺)—wage lad—lade(裝船) fat –fate gat(狹窄通道)—gate bat —bate(減少)cap—cape rat—rate hat—hate Pal—pale plan—plane tap—tape gal(女孩)—gale(大風(fēng)) gag(塞口物)—gage gap—gape dam—dame Sam—same mad—made cam(凹輪)—came can—cane pan—pane (框格玻璃) at—ate mat—mate stag(雄性動(dòng)物)—stage rap—rape

    Gen(情報(bào))—gene pet—Pete met—mete(給予) set –scene these

    Bit—bite lit—lite sit—site fin—fine pin—pine din—dine win—wine spin—spine (脊骨) kit—kite quit—quite spit—spite pip(果籽)pipe Tim—time dim—dime hid—hide rip(撕)—ripe

    Cop—cope dot—dote (昏聵) not—note rod—rode

    Us—use cub(幼獸)—cube cut—cute hug—huge fuss—fuse tub(浴盆)—tube

    英語的“減音”,即失去爆破(不完全爆破) :


    Goodbye sit down blackboard



    1)[t][j]----[ts]: hit you last year what you say

    2) [d][j]---[d3] I need you . Did you go to school ?

    Would you like a cup of tea?


    1) 英音中,在以字母r結(jié)尾的單詞,r不發(fā)音,但與后詞的詞首元音發(fā)生連讀時(shí)發(fā)音,讀/r/,如far away。

    2) 美音中,無論是連讀還是不連讀,字母通常都會(huì)發(fā)音,外加音/r/。

    3) 如果前詞以/ / / / / /,后詞以元音//開始,為了發(fā)音的方便,英國英語中或美國英語中會(huì)在兩個(gè)元音之間加上微弱的/r/來連接,如:

    idea of it讀為/ai’dierevit/.

    Earache (耳朵痛)

    The area of the room

    There is a book on the desk .

    There are some books on the desk .

    Where are you ?

    I can’t bear it .

    A pair of shoes

    I will take care of it

    新目標(biāo)詞匯: about amount away afford accord guild build built guilt


    Have -haven (避難所) brown -frown brother-bother /smother action -auction

    listen -glisten (閃光)

    dearth(缺乏) earth (地球上缺乏資源) 2) dear 昂貴的,物以稀為貴,所以缺乏。

    Paste(面團(tuán))Pasta 通心粉 由面團(tuán)(paste )構(gòu)成的。

    Scar /scare /scarf

    Scar :被小汽車(car)撞了一下,所以留下了傷疤(scar) 。

    scare :留下了的傷疤(scar )怪嚇人的,就變成了scare 。

    scarf :因?yàn)橛辛藄car ,所以就每天戴著圍巾(scarf)來上班。

    Number (數(shù)字) 人一喝酒就變得麻木了(numb) ,連數(shù)字(number)都記不清了。

    Afraid : 敵人來空襲(air raid ) , 老百姓的第一反應(yīng)是afraid 。

    Broth :古時(shí)候晉文王重耳落難,介之推將自己大腿上的肉割下來做成肉湯給他充饑,二人的關(guān)系真是情同手足(brother)。

    money honey champion scopion famous glamous

    hobby lobby

    hotel motel France dance chance

    Magic (有奇異魔力的) tragic (悲慘的)








    Before you get started: Filter the book by reading the preface, index, table of contents, and inside jacket. This tells you where the author is going to take you and, importantly, the vocabulary they will use.


    There are three steps to effectively taking notes while reading:


    1.At the end of each chapter write a few bullet points that summarize what you’ve read and make it personal if you can — that is, apply it to something in your life. Also note any unanswered questions. When you’re done the book, put it down for a week.


    2.Pick up the book again and go through all your notes. Most of these will be garbage but there will be lots you want to remember. Write the good stuff on the inside cover of the book along with a page number.


    3.Copy out the excerpts by hand or take a picture of them to pop into Evernote. Tag accordingly.


    Dear Shane,

    Can you tell me how you take notes while reading?


    — Jeff

    I’ve been asked this question a lot. Everyone wants to know how to read a book. Well, one of the best ways to better filter and connect ideas is to read with pen in hand so you can take notes while reading. This Marginalia — the tiny fragments that come into your head while reading — is a dying but important art that helps you remember what you read.


    Like almost everything in life there is no magical answer that fits everyone. I can speak to the three-step process that works effectively for me on up to 150 books a year. However, you’re going to have to see if that works for you. While this sounds like a bit of trial and error (because it is), it’s the only way to create lasting habit changes, improve your recall, and be able to easily find that passage you’re looking for.


    Taking Notes While Reading


    Step One.

    The first thing I do when I pick up a book is read the preface, the table of contents, and the inside jacket. Often, I’ll glance over the index too. This doesn’t take long and often saves me time, as a lot of books do not make it past this filter. Maybe it doesn’t contain the information I’m trying to gain. If it seems crappy, I’ll flip to a few random pages to verify.

    我拿起一本書做的第一件事是,閱讀書的前言、目錄、腰封。我也會(huì)看看索引。 這不需要花多少時(shí)間,還為我節(jié)約時(shí)間呢,因?yàn)榇蠖鄶?shù)書過不了這樣的篩選。它沒有我需要的信息。如果經(jīng)過這樣的篩選后,書的內(nèi)容很差,我隨機(jī)看上幾頁來確認(rèn)。

    This filter is a form of systematic skimming. This isn’t my term, Mortimer Adler, a guy who literally wrote the the book on reading, came up with it. Adler says there are four levels of reading. I tend to blend inspectional reading and analytical reading together for most books.

    這樣的篩選是一種系統(tǒng)的篩選。這不是我發(fā)明的,是Mortimer Adler的,它寫了關(guān)于閱讀的書,在書里提出了這個(gè)方法。Adler說有四種層面的閱讀。對(duì)于大多數(shù)書來說,我把檢索性閱讀和分析性閱讀混合在一起了。

    When I start reading the book, I have an idea what it’s about, the main argument, and some of the terminology involved. I know where the author is going to take me and the broad strokes of how they will bring me along.


    While reading, I take notes. I circle words I need to look up. I star points that I think are critical to the argument. I underline anything that strikes me as interesting. I comment like a mad man in the margins. I try to tease out assumptions, etc.

    我一邊讀一邊記筆記。 圈出需要查的詞。用星號(hào)標(biāo)出我認(rèn)為對(duì)于論證很關(guān)鍵的地方。在勾起我興趣的內(nèi)容下面劃線標(biāo)記。像瘋子一樣在頁邊寫下評(píng)論。我努力理順作者的假設(shè)。

    Essentially, I’m trying to engage in a conversation with the author. Maybe my questions will be answered on the next page or in the next chapter. Maybe I’ll need to find another book to answer them. Who knows. But I write them down.


    At the end of each chapter I write a few bullet points that summarize what I’ve just read. When I’m done, I let the book age. I put the book on my desk and I won’t touch it for anywhere from a few days to a week.


    Step two.

    When I pick the book up again, I re-read every scribble, underline, and comment I’ve made (assuming I can still read my writing).


    I’m not the same person I was the first time I read the book, two things have changed: (1) I’ve read the entire book and (2) I’ve had a chance to sleep on what may have seemed earth-shattering at the time but now just seems meh.


    If something still strikes my interest, I write a note in the first few pages of the book, in my own words, on the topic. Often this is a summary but increasingly it’s ways to apply the knowledge. I index this to the page number in the book.


    Sometimes, and this depends on the book, I’ll create a sort of mental summary of the book’s main arguments and gaps. Sometimes I’ll cross-link points with other books.


    Step 3 (optional).

    Wait a few days. Then go through the book and copy out excerpts by hand and put them into your repository or common place book. I use these notes to connect and synthesize ideas as I read.


    To aid recall connect the ideas to something you already have in your mind. Is it a continuation of the idea? Does it replace an idea? Is it the same idea in a difference discipline? I add these connections to my notes and percolate them in my mind. Often I turn out to be mistaken but that’s the process.


    Most of the time, you get to see the ideas on Farnam Street. You can see how I connect and contextualize ideas, linking them across disciplines. I find writing about the ideas really helps me develop my understanding.

    大多數(shù)時(shí)候,你可以在Farnam Street看到這些想法。你可以看到我是如何聯(lián)系和關(guān)聯(lián)思想的,并將它們跨學(xué)科聯(lián)系起來。我發(fā)現(xiàn)關(guān)于這些想法的寫作確實(shí)幫助我發(fā)展了我的理解。

    Even if you don’t share your thoughts with millions of people you can do the same thing with Evernote, which is searchable, easy to use, and free. Personally, I do not use technology as a substitute for the non-technological approach mentioned above but rather as a complement.


    I rarely listen to books but if you are listening to a book, create a new note for that book and type in notes as you are listening. I know a few people that do not take notes as they are listening because they listen in the car on the way to work. They find that sitting down right away when they get to work and typing up notes is an effective way to improve recall although the notes are less accurate.


    原文: https://fs.blog/2013/11/taking-notes-while-reading/






