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    發(fā)布時(shí)間:2023-03-03 21:11:30     稿源: 創(chuàng)意嶺    閱讀: 675        問大家













    米拉公寓于1906~1910年在西班牙巴塞羅那建成。西班牙著名建筑師A.高迪(Atonio Gaudi,1852—1926年)以浪漫主義的幻想極力使塑性藝術(shù)滲透到三度空間的建筑中去,把重點(diǎn)放在造型的藝術(shù)表現(xiàn)方面。吸收了伊斯蘭建筑的風(fēng)格,與哥特式建筑的結(jié)構(gòu)特點(diǎn)相結(jié)合,采取自然的形式,精心去 探索他獨(dú)創(chuàng)的塑性建筑楷模。



    紀(jì)念堂吸取了古希臘神廟的傳統(tǒng)手法, 四周有36根大理石的多立克式柱子圍繞,象征林肯時(shí)期美國的36個(gè)州。



    市政廳內(nèi)的幾個(gè) 大廳裝飾華麗而不俗,具有北歐地區(qū)的詩情畫意,被認(rèn)為是民族浪漫主義建筑的一個(gè)精品。























    由于現(xiàn)澆混凝土模板拆除后,表面不加任何處理,讓粗糙地表現(xiàn)人工操作痕跡的混凝土暴露在外,表現(xiàn)出了一種粗?jǐn)U、 原始、樸實(shí)和敦厚的藝術(shù)效果,后來它被帶上了“粗野主義”始祖的“桂冠”。






    【Krzywy Domek,索波特,波蘭】該建筑的設(shè)計(jì)靈感來源于波蘭著名的插圖畫家Jan Marcin szancer和兒童文學(xué)作家Jan Brzechwa。此外,建筑內(nèi)部還設(shè)有一面頗具意義的“名人墻”。




    1. 倫敦千年穹頂。它由著名的Richard Rogers 事務(wù)所承擔(dān)建筑設(shè)計(jì),結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計(jì)由Buro Happold完成,是建筑師夢(mèng)幻與工程師創(chuàng)新的完美結(jié)合。整個(gè)建筑為穹廬形,12根100米高的鋼桅桿直刺云天,張拉著直徑365米,周長大于1000米的穹面鋼索網(wǎng)。光是鋼索網(wǎng)就用了長達(dá)43英里的鋼纜。室內(nèi)最高處為50多米,容積約為240萬立方米。它的屋面材料表面積10萬平方米,僅為1毫米厚的膜狀材料,卻堅(jiān)韌無比,據(jù)說可承受波音747飛機(jī)的重量。同時(shí)它有卓越的透光性,可充分利用自然光。設(shè)計(jì)之初,業(yè)主并沒有明確規(guī)定建筑的外形。建筑師經(jīng)過悉心的比較論證,決定將繁多的功能歸入同一屋頂下,提出了穹頂?shù)姆桨?。他們主張桅桿要盡可能的高,穹頂要盡可能的大,使人在飛機(jī)上能一眼看到它。要為倫敦創(chuàng)造新的標(biāo)志性建筑,并活躍格林威治半島的天際線。從空中鳥瞰,它如同泰晤士河畔的一顆珍珠。

    2. 埃菲爾鐵塔(法語:La Tour Eiffel)是一座于1889年建成位于法國巴黎戰(zhàn)神廣場(chǎng)上的鏤空結(jié)構(gòu)鐵塔,高300米,天線高24米,總高324米。埃菲爾鐵塔得名于設(shè)計(jì)它的橋梁工程師居斯塔夫•埃菲爾。鐵塔設(shè)計(jì)新穎獨(dú)特,是世界建筑史上的技術(shù)杰作,因而成為法國和巴黎的一個(gè)重要景點(diǎn)和突出標(biāo)志。 鐵塔采用交錯(cuò)式結(jié)構(gòu),由四條與地面成75度角的、粗大的、帶有混凝土水泥臺(tái)基的鐵柱支撐著高聳入云的塔身,內(nèi)設(shè)四部水力升降機(jī)(現(xiàn)為電梯)。它使用了1500多根巨型預(yù)制梁架、150萬顆鉚釘、12000個(gè)鋼鐵鑄件,總重7000噸,由250個(gè)工人花了17個(gè)月建成,造價(jià)為740萬金法郎,每隔7年油漆一次,每次用漆52噸。這一龐然大物顯示了資本主義初期工業(yè)生產(chǎn)的強(qiáng)大威力,與其說是建筑,不如叫做裝配更為恰當(dāng)。在設(shè)計(jì)、分解、生產(chǎn)零件、組裝到修整過程中,總結(jié)出一套科學(xué)、經(jīng)濟(jì)而有效的方法,同時(shí)也顯示出法國人異想天開式的浪漫情趣、藝術(shù)品位、創(chuàng)新魄力和幽默感。

    3. 東京電視塔 ,1958年12月建成。于1968年7月對(duì)游客開放。塔高333米,占地2118平方米。這座日本最高的獨(dú)立鐵塔超過了法國巴黎的艾菲爾鐵塔13米,使用的建筑材料是艾菲爾鐵塔的一半,造塔費(fèi)時(shí)不到艾菲爾鐵塔施工時(shí)間的三分之一,在當(dāng)時(shí)震驚了全世界。東京塔的塔基底有四只坐腳墩支撐,其之間間隔為80米。塔身涂成澄黃和乳白相間的顏色,鮮艷奪目?;姿闹粨文_之內(nèi)建有一座5層大樓,一樓設(shè)有商場(chǎng);二樓為市政展館,展出實(shí)驗(yàn)儀器和科普?qǐng)D片;三樓為休息廳和蠟像館。在100米高的地方,建有一個(gè)二層樓高的展望臺(tái);在250米高的地方,也設(shè)有一個(gè)特別展望臺(tái)。展望臺(tái)四邊都是落地的大玻璃窗,窗向外傾斜。站在展望臺(tái)上可俯瞰東京市容,全市景觀盡收眼底。 鐵塔由四根正方形截面的主柱和與主柱相連的水平桿及斜桿連接而成的自立式鐵塔,構(gòu)件全是用大型型鋼(角鋼、槽鋼)和鋼板組成的組合截面。

    4. 紐約帝國大廈 ,紐約帝國大廈始建于1930年3月,是當(dāng)時(shí)使用材料最輕的建筑,建成于西方經(jīng)濟(jì)危機(jī)時(shí)期,成為美國經(jīng)濟(jì)復(fù)蘇的象征,如今仍然和自由女神一起成為紐約永遠(yuǎn)的標(biāo)志。曾為世界第一高大樓和紐約市的標(biāo)志性建筑。 是世界七大工程奇跡之一,在世界貿(mào)易中心在911事件倒塌后,繼續(xù)接任紐約第一大樓的頭銜,直到自由塔建成。和巴黎的埃菲爾鐵塔、東京的電視塔同被譽(yù)為世界三大著名建筑。 帝國大廈擁有許多世界之最:在建筑史上創(chuàng)每周修建4層半樓的紀(jì)錄;每天參加施工的人員高達(dá)4000人,全部工作量超過700萬工時(shí);共使用6萬噸鋼、1000萬塊磚、80萬公里長的電纜與電線、192公里長的管道;1600公里長的電話電纜;6500扇窗戶;1860階臺(tái)階;安裝了73部電梯、電梯速度高達(dá)每分鐘427米。帝國大廈占地面積為2.66公頃,當(dāng)時(shí)全部造價(jià)4100萬美元,后來的維修費(fèi)用累計(jì)為6700萬美元。

    5. 阿拉伯塔酒店,又稱迪拜帆船酒店。全世界最豪華的酒店當(dāng)數(shù)阿拉伯聯(lián)合酋長國境內(nèi)迪拜的帆船(Burj Al-Arab)酒店,翻譯成漢語又稱“阿拉伯塔”,又叫做“阿拉伯之星”。它是世界上第一家的7星級(jí)酒店。位于中東地區(qū)阿拉伯聯(lián)合酋長國迪拜酋長國的迪拜市。 阿拉伯塔最初的創(chuàng)意是有阿聯(lián)酋國防部長、迪拜王儲(chǔ)阿勒馬克圖姆提出的,他夢(mèng)想給迪拜一個(gè)悉尼歌劇院、艾菲爾鐵塔式的地標(biāo)。飯店的建設(shè)始于1994年,并于1999年12月1日正式開放。建筑的外型如同獨(dú)桅帆船型(Dhow 阿拉伯式帆船)。飯店頂部有一座直升機(jī)機(jī)場(chǎng),在從飯店的另一邊延伸,在海上一家透過懸臂支撐的餐廳被叫阿蒙塔哈( 阿拉伯語意思是最高或者極限)。在建筑物內(nèi)部有一個(gè)世界上最高的中庭,其高180米,它以鐵弗龍涂料玻璃纖維紡織布圍帆船的“兩翼”而成。 帆船酒店的工程花了5年的時(shí)間,2年半時(shí)間在阿拉伯海填出人造島,2年半時(shí)間用在建筑本身,使用了90000噸鋼鐵,并把250根基建樁柱打在40米深海下。飯店由英國設(shè)計(jì)師W.S. Atkins設(shè)計(jì),外觀如同一張鼓滿了風(fēng)的帆,一共有56層、321米高,是全球最高的飯店,比法國艾菲爾鐵塔還高上一截。

    6. 本明石海峽大橋,世界上目前最長的吊橋,1998年4月5日,正式通車。大橋橫跨本州島與四國島,落在日本神戶市與淡路島之間,全長3911米,主橋墩跨度1991米。兩座主橋墩海拔297米,基礎(chǔ)直徑80米,水中部分高60米。兩條主鋼纜每條約4000米,直徑1.12米,由290根細(xì)鋼纜組成,重約5萬噸。大橋于1988年5月動(dòng)工。1998年3月竣工。總長度3911米,世界最長吊橋。世界最強(qiáng)級(jí)的阪神淡路大地震也未能將其震撼,可見其卓越的設(shè)計(jì)與施工水平。它的存在使大阪、神戶通往四國地區(qū)的交通越來越方便。夜晚,全橋被華麗彩燈環(huán)繞,仿佛一串絢爛珠鏈橫跨海灣,由此而得“珍珠橋”的美名。在這通往夢(mèng)想的大橋周圍,開辟了眾多觀光設(shè)施,成為廣受歡迎的旅游勝地。 明石海峽大橋首次采用180MP級(jí)超高強(qiáng)鋼絲,使主纜直徑縮小并簡(jiǎn)化了連接構(gòu)造,首創(chuàng)懸索橋主纜,這也是第一座用頂推法施工的跨谷斜拉橋,由著名的法國埃菲爾集團(tuán)公司承建。

    7. 金門大橋是世界著名的橋梁之一,是近代橋梁工程的一項(xiàng)奇跡。大橋雄峙于美國加利福尼亞州寬1900多米的金門海峽之上,歷時(shí)4年和10萬多噸鋼材,耗資達(dá)3550萬美元建成,由史特勞斯設(shè)計(jì)。金門大橋的巨大橋塔高227米,每根鋼索重6412公噸,由27000根鋼絲絞成。1933年1月始建,1937年5月首次建成通車。

    8. 吉隆坡雙子塔 雙子塔,(Petronas Towers)是馬來西亞首都吉隆坡的標(biāo)志性城市景觀之一,是世界上目前最高的雙子樓。雙塔大廈于1998年完工共88層,高1483英尺(452米),它是兩個(gè)獨(dú)立的塔樓并由裙房相連。獨(dú)立塔樓外形像兩個(gè)巨大的玉米,故又名雙峰大廈。吉隆坡雙子塔是馬來西亞石油公司的綜合辦公大樓,也是游客從云端俯視吉隆坡的好地方。雙子塔的設(shè)計(jì)風(fēng)格體現(xiàn)了吉隆坡這座城市年輕、中庸、現(xiàn)代化的城市個(gè)性,突出了標(biāo)志性景觀設(shè)計(jì)的獨(dú)特性理念。

    9. 西雅圖太空針?biāo)?,位于西雅圖的太空針?biāo)俏餮艌D的地標(biāo)之一,太空針?biāo)菫?962年在西雅圖舉行的世界博覽會(huì)所設(shè)計(jì)的,如今已成為西雅圖的標(biāo)志之一。

    10. 圣路易斯拱門,就是美國向西開發(fā)的一個(gè)象征,這座雄偉壯觀的不銹鋼懸鏈線的建筑物,高達(dá)192米,是1964年動(dòng)工后僅用兩年時(shí)間建成的。拱門底部有電梯可以直達(dá)頂層。圣路易斯拱門為圣路易斯市的地標(biāo), 高630英尺, 比華盛頓紀(jì)念碑、自由女神像或是歐洲的比薩斜塔都還要高。


    British Kang fertile Er county

    Blow breath the bubbles changes to construct-"Garden of Eden plan" in England

    You must once play game of blow the bubbles in childhood.Ignore is up the rubber quality that that kind of is crowded to stick to a thin tube to blow bubbles, still keep being stained with soap water but blowing the bubble bubble of in the blowpipe head, whenever the bubbles become and see there beauty radiant, seven colourful riotous and lovely round balls, who can not move?The brief life span of the bubbles, seem to be how miraculous in the young and small mind with its not foreseeable size, again how evil Huan.When a bubbles with transparent is blown bulge and goes up the sky, the kid's imagination also immediately dances in the wind.

    Rich Lei probably is the first wants to enlarge circular bubbles building of person.American architect this 20 centuries, the biggest contribution not is cover what astounding great building, but put forward fascinating theories-"the net line round ball crest".He lays claim to make use of a small component, such as iron piping, plastics tube, even carton, these can assemble Chinese foot dimension in Chengkong University, but so of space, ideal top can the infinite degree enlarge.Thus organization but become of bubble form building, can be treated as the result of "the tension complete constringency".We know under the same capacity, the space surface shelter by round ball form accumulate minimum, and be subjected to of the outside of the inside the pressure be the also the most even.This is exactly why the rich Lei is push to construct respected master for the contemporary high technology of reason.

    "Garden of Eden plan" is one of the British millennium planning cases.At the beginning single since the whole scale of plan see, the base area is up to 22 hectares, the building overlay of the area also has wide 2 hectares, the total engineering style matches NT$4,000,000,000 around, the ambition life ambition of this case it is thus clear that one spot.The base is located on secluded Kang fertile Er county, if set out this from London, 1's go back and forth has to arrange for three days at least, route of travel, if the sightseeing crowd of people far and rather expect, so affair can mess.Just who also didn't expect this plan unexpectedly and surprisingly success, at first anticipating can reach to 750,003 view person-times for a year, just open as a result for eight months, visit the person-time has already exceed anticipant of 200%.The transportation obstruct and on the contrary became the most headachy problem.Hence the authorities doesn't stop to outward put words, advise the people had better choose in the little afternoon of person again, in case influence visit quality, and had better buy a ticket in advance, in order to prevent row greatly long dragon wait for.Open building more than a years, scene just, building's ising square has already started carry on a new extension plan.

    In fact revealed, "plan in Garden of Eden" is to construct a glasshouse with big plant.The national strength of British Empire 19 centuries comes to an a highest point, after colonizing doctrine enforcement for several years, England searches to pare off spring to flow out the wealth of the sort from the world-wide locations and collected abundant knowledge in the meantime.British excel comprehensive, induce, analyze, sorting, static state of the cultural object can collect and the living plant certainly can also collect.The living creature in the Garden of Eden is the plant which comes from a world-wide locations.The two greatest glasshouses canning see currently, on being a damp and tropical type, one is type in temperate zone Mediterranean.Indoor way for display, completely with creation integrity of ecosystem environment for principal axis, rather than according to categorize to display separately.For example the big waterfalls of the inside special design of the tropical glasshouse, water is blunt next made much water spirit from the eminence, as a result provided an arethusa to climb beneficial environment of attach the tree trunk growth.The ecosystem is live, need more and more professional care, so at any time it is thus clear that technical personnel inside the building wears shuttle in the flower bush glorious Cu.

    Activity in the so big space, have already forgotten an own body to be placed in to be wrapped Fu to live, artificial adjust to control out of environment in.This building originally of design really not so.At the beginning the plan case person's history is airtight especially of so favor this base, completely is an environmental protection consciousness to make however.Here originally lately- abandon kaolin mine, dark green of the earth was been malicious by people to dig big hole, bare a not whole gray rock soil in a Gao Di and die form very and miserably.Wise fascinating at ability transform the corruptible into magic.The history is especially airtight to thought of the irregular slope that can make use of a soil mineral pit creates the appearance of natural garden, hence, he please arrive to excel the design that the Grimshaw of the architect Nicholas of handle the irregular base is responsible for this case very.The parties architect of this high technology wins a prize the work"London Waterloo station" in times before, in grow grow bend bend, head big body small base, be with a size different of the list across a steel and link into the large station space of like amoeba sort.Certainly, the Grimshaw faces this time of the challenge be more terrible, in addition to the geography is curving and the geography is also Gao Gao Di.How should this be good?While at the beginning designing, the architect past skill heavy, desire with continuous list across of arc-shaped steel to wrap up hothouse.Just this time, building among them of a feet are to ride astride slope up, rather than flat ground up, the list across of the steel dimensions certanly will rise and fall but change along with the geography.Construct dimensions and shape of module different, will raise building cost, and want to deliver this kind of to the secluded mountainous country, is not an easy matter either.1 designs a method of suitable or not, this be the problem of different people, different views, important BE, be at present situation layer after layer and difficult to cross, design whether have scheme and courage of break the bottleneck?Before wind up a lawsuit soon, the architect changes idea at the time, will in this way and unexpectedly resolve in times before all problem towards changing to the most regular "the net line round ball crest" in response to the irregular steel of gravamen the whole ground, .

    The biggest advantage of bubble type is an ability fascinating but completely locate at on any geography and the geography, and the round ball three-dimensional space of bubble type of conduct in response to the dint, can let to across a degree to stretch more unscrupulously.Namely have already created rich Lei but speech of this structure method before century to the half, probably 1000010000 have never thought this point the son unexpectedly will develop such of bubble type building.The architect Grimshaw certainly has no direct doption the short line round ball of the rich Lei, he sticks the round ball of a few different sizes crowded bunchy, let the indoor space be able to have more of long to develop.From long see toward the section, this acrossed unexpectedly as long as 240 degree.Through after architect sensitive faculty re- put together to connect a processing, the round ball of the hundred percent reasonableness building unexpectedly emerges a geezer appearance.

    So of the building structure is from a heap of bubble high school come of.In fact lend architect big someone who take the building inspiration from the natural physical phenomenon at, Gao also once for breaking the inflexible rule of square flat surface, at design Ba Han2 that of the rice pull of house, namely in the wake of circle that cell become when mutually jostle bubble space, attempt to create the possibility of a kind of all new space shape.

    Another important hero is also the most unimaginable place of this case, be the new material ETFE which lets the building have bubbles quality(ethyltetraflurorethylene, good heavens!This new word incredibly has 24 letter of alphabets).This be the Chong spirit of a kind of thin film type structure, thin film the surface is smooth, fall the dust dirty thing don't easily adhere to, so can separate with the heat preservation hot.Because the spirit film is a 3 F the structure of the separation, can resist weather blazing hot or strict and cold, can anti- ultraviolet ray, according to produce of German company say, this kind of use of translucent gum film time limit can reach to for 40 years!Annoy the module of film light, easy construction, maintain and replace, absolutely good enough to overthrow a modern building to glass of deep dependence.However, don't rejoice too soon, since is a Chong spirit, certainly also cool down of time.For the sake of the outside wall body of the maintenance spirit film function(have to impede wind blows and rain beats down), have to keep its satisfied bulge appearance at any time, hence each spirit films all mount windpipe, use the water pump can add air pressure inside the bag at any time.Conduct and actions doesn't accept heavy, oneself again not heavy outside wall building materials, annoy film of the development should let many buildings in the near future keep form but change substance!

    Arrive at people of this place visit is having not enter to the front of the greenhouse, can far and far hope to see a bubble type a building.Light in regard to shape, it was some and also don't construct the shape that should have, but when be apart from more and more near, is more hard to believe that how may the bubbles become a building?I cannot help but wanting to touch to once annoy a film and was like in childhood other people to blow bubbles, I was like a small idiocy the ground made track for seven colourful dazzling bubbleses to run, certainly, the moment which runs into bubbles was a beauty disappeared of a short moment.Construct a body deeply and only what film send forth is beautiful and hallucinogenic, similar easily ground, so the building body keeps off crowd intentionally on the allocation, let it keep the self-contained and sacred image of "can only far view, can't the Xie play".

    Come up to say from the essence, plan in Garden of Eden is a design case of botanical garden, the nothing important is special, however story from beginning to end, all be full of symbol meaning and value.This be like many hand up of the ring be not necessarily beautiful, not necessarily worth money, but the story of ring back, also have it the special meaning symbolize, be urge it of invaluable real reason.

    Architectural nobility, can't compute just from the art or the technique achievement, the achievement of the in fact more important spirit.

    Rotterdam, Holland constructs square piece Dian feet to come

    We in common use"square box" described general shape to have no the house of pleasures of life, however talked here of"square box" don't what stuff at all, because it is to hang to sign in air of equilateral cube, and turned 45 degree stereoscopic Capes, make not originally outstanding body, immediately flexible.The creativity of architect doesn't already be highly praised!

    The Be located on bay in Rotterdam of gather residence, build in"empress modernism"unrestrained mid 80's in 20 centuries.Because the house shape is novel and interesting, hence people's pet name is "square piece house".From now on, this city again many a new of tourism spot.In order to rounding a view many, the community is simply to open an among those residence to provide a ginseng view to satisfy people's curiosity and conveniently lend this to earn some small change flower a flower for community.

    Certainly, this strange house is a cover to live to the person of, and common the in home essential space, like living room, restaurant, bedroom, kitchen, toilet, here every kind is supplied here, even the roof is and the rise 1 three sides adopt bare attic.Each square piece lives into 1 and the per families have exclusive oneself a stairs top and bottom building.Indoor weird because of space shape, so all furnitures follow a house to design in the meantime, the pitiful inhabitant has no choice, have to shine on all of the lists to accept, if unpleasant to look at, can also ascend, change color.The windows all present to tilt to one side a form, so the indoor natural light source seem to be very suddenly, with general window method and ray angle of the open of house entirely different.

    Since the professional angle see, these houses are play trick, since waste the space be again not necessarily practical.However why come to this person who lives and watches, all more than common residence community?Person of rational come from logic thinking, but the person's dream, but need creative power, imagination and follow the sequence and advance gradually of experiment, then can complete.This, lie in its people of Dian Fu's stereotype to the house, completion mankind for pursue "impossible".

    Our house why always fixed and unchangealbe square piece body?Throw it to the air, turn, can?







