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    發(fā)布時間:2023-03-12 15:45:27     稿源: 創(chuàng)意嶺    閱讀: 120        問大家






    一、英語adj. n. interj. v. pron. prep. art. num. adv. conj. modalv.的全拼和翻譯





























    Thinking pattern formation is a very complicated process, he is affected by many factors. If geographical factors, physiological factors of certain effect. But to a great extent, thinking mode is a culture. Different cultures of different breeds thinking pattern. In translation, which reflects the original source of the thinking mode of culture, the reader to understand the process of language use is the mode of thinking. The translator in two kinds of culture, pitched between two kinds of culture. It's success depends on whether the translators understand the difference between two kinds of thinking mode.

    The thinking mode of western culture, and analysis on the thinking mode of Oriental culture is shown, which is also intuition thinking characteristic of Chinese traditional culture. Due to the influence of Chinese traditional culture, often pay special attention to the intuition, pay attention to the process of cognition experience and feeling. In a relationship is often in this experience and feeling to "by". Compared with western thinking mode, the mode of thinking of the Chinese people has obvious general and vague. First, in the English language, with the specific preference, and Chinese words and summarized. Such as "a word, English is" talk "speak, right, etc, these words to express different situations". So make simple language and accurate, with abound change, vivid. But Chinese tend to normally, in "adding adverbs. Such as: incoherent said, whispered, loudly say DuDuNangNang, said, these words if translated into English, translators need to consider what English phrases. Otherwise he would not very good expression of Chinese context and tone. In addition, both the thinking mode of different in different ways of language processing. In the process of translation: firstly, must pay attention in handling chinese-english phrases can convert, according to Chinese English words mean sharpest critics. If the word is not corresponding four English words. Say, brilliant colors can be expressed with multicoloured and eloquent should be expressed as "virtue" of course glit tongue in English also have many similar Chinese image expression, for example: once bitten, twice shy man (twice), bitten, it out of sight is out of mind (out of sight, out of mind), etc. Secondly, the Chinese thought on another characteristic is the use of verbs, long sentence is mostly by express meaning and a loose, syntactic relationships between multiple commas, often with no clear relationship between the words of sentence amends. While English sentences long sentence by sentence, as compound noun phrases or attributive clauses, behind the idea (including), and the verb phrase sentence first or the adverbial clauses, or modified ingredients, such as modified ingredients can a set of a repeat. If in the translation process can't find out the main part, then sentences in translation, even after a translator will not understand the real meaning, Again, the interference by Chinese thought, Chinese will frequently use verbs, and won't use flexibly gerund, prepositions, often appear many although with English grammar, but does not conform to the requirements of the English expression used sentence. For example, "this difficult problem, I won't." We can be translated into "empty is new, I decide to t maps analysis how to" better "empty decide for me is to have", If translated into "is totally empty above/beyond me." such a prepositional phrase, so The two languages is proficient in The master.


    1.必修五MODULE 1 Words, words, words詞,詞,詞

    British and American English are different in many ways. 英式英語和美式英語在很多方面都有所不同。The first and most obvious way is in the vocabulary. 首先最明顯的是在詞匯方面。Thereare hundreds of different words which are not used on the other side of the Atlantic, or which are used with a different meaning. 有數(shù)以百計個不同的詞在大西洋彼岸的另一個英語國家不被使用,或者以一種不同的意思被使用著。Some of these words are well known---Americans driveautomobiles down freeways and fill up with gas;其中有些詞就很廣泛地為人所知--- 美國人在freeways上駕駛的是automobiles,給車加gas;theBritish drive cars along motorways and fill up with petrol.英國人在motorways上駕駛的是cars,給車加petrol。 As a tourist, you will need to use the underground in London or the subway in New York, or maybe you will prefer to getaround the town by taxi(British) or cab (American).作為游人,在倫敦你要乘underground,而在紐約則是subway,或者你愿意乘坐taxi(英式)或者cab (美式)游覽城市。

    Chips or French files Chips 還是French fries?

    But other words and expressions are not so well known.但是其他詞語和表達方式卻沒有這么廣泛地為人所知。Americans use a flashlight, while for the British, it's atorch.美國人把手電筒稱為flashlight,而英國人卻叫它torch。 The British queue up; Americans stand in line.英國人排隊用queue up,而美國人說stand in line。有時候, Sometimes the same word has a slightly differentmeaning, which can be confusing. 同一個單詞在意義上一點細微的差別就讓人很困惑。Chips, for example, are pieces of hot fried potato in Britain; in theStates chips are very thin and are sold in packets.比如chips這個詞在英國是熱炸的薯條,在美國chips卻指非常薄而且裝在紙袋里出售的薯片。The British call these crisps.英國人把這種東西稱為crips。The chips the British know and love are French fries on the other side of the Atlantic. 英國人知道而且喜歡的薯條在大西洋對岸被稱為French fries 。

    Have or have got? Have 還是have got?

    There are a few differences in grammar, too. 在語法上,英式英語和美式英語也有一些區(qū)別。The British say Have you got...?I while Americans preferDo you have .-.?英國人說Have you got·?然而美國人卻愿意說Do you have ...? An American might say My friend just arrived, but aBritish person would

    say My friend has just arrived.美國人可能會說My friend just arrived,但是英國人愿意講My friend has just arrived 。Prepositions,too, can be different: compare on the team, on the weekend (American) with inthe team, at the weekend (British). 介詞的用法也有所不同:比較一下on the team, on the weekend (美國用法) 和in the team, at the weekend (英國用法)。The British use prepositions where Americans sometimesomit them (.I'll see you Monday, Write me soon!).英國人用介詞的地方美國人有時候可能會省略 (I"ll see you Monday; Write me soon!) 。

    Colour or color? Colour還是color?

    The other two areas in which the two varieties differ are spelling andpronunciation. 此外,在兩種英語中另外兩個領(lǐng)域的區(qū)別是拼寫和發(fā)音。Americanspelling seems simpler:美式英語的拼寫看上去更簡單一些:center,color and program instead of centre, colour and programme. center, color和program 是美式拼法,centre, colour和programme 是英式拼法。 Many factors have influenced American pronunciationsince the first settlers arrived four hundred years ago. 自從400年前第一批移民的到來,有很多因素影響了美語發(fā)音。The accent, which is most similar to British English, canbe heard on the East Coast of the US. 在美國東海岸能夠聽到跟英式英語非常接近的口音。When the Irish writer George Bernard Shaw made the famousremark that the British and the Americans are two nations divided by a commonlanguage, he was obviously thinking about the differences. 當愛爾蘭作家蕭伯納講那句名言:英國和美國是被同一種語言分開的兩個民族的時候,他顯然想到了它們的區(qū)別。But are they really so important? 但是這些區(qū)別真的如此重要嗎?After all, there isprobably as much variation of pronunciation within the two countries as betweenthem.畢竟,兩個國家境內(nèi)的口音差別可能跟兩國之間的口音差別一樣多。 A Londoner has more difficulty understanding a Scotsmanfrom Glasgowthan understanding a New Yorker.一個倫敦人要聽懂來自格拉斯哥的蘇格蘭人講話可能比理解一個紐約人更難。

    Turn on the TV打開電視機

    Some experts believe that the two varieties are moving closer together.很多專家相信這兩種語言變體正在越來越接近。 For more than a century communications across the Atlantic have developed steadily. 一個多世紀以來,大西洋兩岸的交流穩(wěn)步發(fā)展。Since 1980s, with satellite TV and the Internet, it hasbeen possible to listen to British and American English at the Hick of aswitch.自從20世紀80年代以來,隨著衛(wèi)星電視和因特網(wǎng)的使用,非常便捷地聽到英式英語和美式英語已經(jīng)成為可能。

    This non-stop communication, the experts think, has made it easier for Britishpeople and Americans to understand each other. 專家們認為,這種不間斷的交流使得英國人和美國人相互理解起來更加容易。But it has also led to lots of American words andstructures passing into British English, so that some people now believe thatBritish English will disappear.但是這也致使許多美式英語單詞和結(jié)構(gòu)傳人英式英語,以至于現(xiàn)在有一些人相信英式英語將要消失。

    However, if you turn on CNN, the American TV network, you find newsreaders andweather forecasters all speaking with different accents - American, British,Australian, and even Spanish.然而,如果你打開美國電視網(wǎng)絡(luò)節(jié)目CNN,你會發(fā)現(xiàn)新聞播報員和天氣預(yù)報員操著不同的口音---美國的,英國的,澳大利亞的,甚至西班牙的。 One of the best-known faces, Monita Rajpal, was born in Hong Kong. China, and grew up, speakingChinese and Punjabi, as well as English.其中最熟悉的臉孔之一,慕妮塔·讓治派出生于中國香港,從小到大說的是漢語、Punjabi土語和英語。

    This international dimension suggests that in the future, there are going to bemany "Englishes", not just two main varieties.這種國際性的廣泛使用表明,在未來將有很多種英語,不僅僅是兩種。 But the message is "Don't worry." Users ofEnglish will all be able to understand each other---wherever they are.


    四、英語句子的翻譯 急!高手速回答!高懸賞!

    1. As to the end of the game, they scored two goals, we had entered the four goals. (Score)

    2. As we arrived there, the bus had gone.

    The passive voice:

    1. The world, many people speak English.

    2. In southeastern China, cultivation of tea.

    3. Where is this car manufactured? China

    4. Last month, down this street a lot of trees planted

    5. Last year, the construction of another classroom building

    6. Scientists have invented a number of new computer

    7. There are now building a bridge on the

    8. The flowers were poured by Mr. Lee

    9. The world, many countries launched a satellite

    10. Work was completed on time

    11. Next Saturday afternoon classes will be

    12. Work to be completed within one month

    13. Must dig a large hole

    14. The book does not bring out the Yuelan Shi

    15. We repaired bike's

    16. Those books are written for children

    17. This jacket is a cotton

    18. Every day I clean the room

    19. This book, translated into English by me

    20. This song was written by one of my friends

    21. Last night the police caught a thief

    22. A tree so big wind to the (Strong wind, blow down)

    23. The child care by grandparents is very thoughtful

    24. Why can not look up the word in the dictionary, then?

    25. Must be switched off the lights

    26.He gave me a book. (Into two kinds of passive sentences)

    27.I often hear her sing. (Ibid.)

    28.His parents made him clean his teeth after every meal. (Ibid.)

    29.I watch them playing basketball over there. (Ibid.)

    30. Since 1979, great changes have taken place in our country

    31. Windows need to paint what

    Subjunctive mood: should / would / could / might + infinitive + if (verb past tense be use were)

    1. If I have time I'll go for a walk

    2. If I were you, I will bring umbrella

    3. If someone asked me when the movie actor, I would say refuse (say no) and

    4. Without your help, he could not do that thing of

    5. If you did not give a gift, I would feel guilty

    6. I wish I can fly like a

    7. If I get a good score like this time of

    A:1. Reading is an art

    2. Seeing is believing

    B:1. I like to see China Daily

    2. They are practicing to sing an English song

    C: as predicative: Your task is to Cachuang Hu

    D: as Attribute: nouns placed before or after the noun

    1. Crutch 2. Washing machine 3. Yuelan Shi 4. Sat between the boys, John and Mary is our English teacher The young boy ______between John and Mary is our English teacher.

    2. Ed verb form

    This week has been closed a

    1. Leaves 2. The developed countries 3. For lost time

    3. Infinitive: to subject to object and object complement as attribute to language as predicative adverbial

    1. Today, learn a foreign language is very important

    2. For students, the eye-up exercises to do twice a day is very important to

    3. For boys, the box too heavy to not move

    4. Haircut cost him a quarter of an hour

    5. Boys like to go to school

    6. Three years ago, he began to learn English

    7. He asked me to help him

    8. Told him do not be late

    9. Parents told me to learn English

    10. I want you to see my English teacher

    11. Every night I heard him sing

    12. Let us go to school?

    13. Mama let him do homework every night

    14. I often help my mother do the laundry

    15. He did not know where to go

    16. I do not know what to do

    17. I have not decided what time to leave the

    18. He came here to see his father

    19. Her job is to take care of the children

    20. We have a lot of homework to do

    21. I'm sorry to hear this news

    22. Tom is too small can not go to school

    Prepositions A: at in on the table time

    1. At that point in time, a time or age

    1. School Classes begin 8:00

    2. His 18-year-old joined the army

    3. 4 at noon. In the evening 5. In the weekend 6. In the end of last month 7. At that time

    2. In that time period

    1. In the morning 2. 3 in the afternoon. In the evening 4. July 5. In 1980 6. In his 50 years of age 7. In the twentieth century






